New!!Dashboard Arduino-New!!New Dashboard with Arduino and OBD2 protocol is now available on xsim!! Edit 12/07 new dashboard!! For more informations , follow the thread. Let built our dasboard using the OBD2 communication featur [...] Views: 9396 • Comments: 0 • Write comments [ Read all ] Version and the Presentation Viewer1, 2The Presentation Viewer is a smart tool that comes in action after you have successfully installed your simulator and all profiles are working fine. You have then the problem that your friends do n [...] Views: 16040 • Comments: 13 • Write comments [ Read all ] New update of X-Sim1, 2, 3We are proud to present a new update of X-Sim with many new features and bugfixes. Yokoyoko did finished the beta test task and is also proud to present you very importand video material for you. It is highly recommended to use this new version, it is [...] Views: 36838 • Comments: 21 • Write comments [ Read all ]