
Race/Flight statistic with CSV logfiles

If you like to know more about your simulator movements over a longer period or over a complete race period you cannot use the simple output analyzer of the Profiler2. You will need to collect that amount of data in a extra file and open it after a completed race or flight. With this view of a longer period you are able to find out if some movements are over stressed or oversized. If one value always be fixed at the maximum actuator movement, you should reduce it to a value, that is lower. This is good to feel also the greater forces. The logarithm math plugin will help you to reduce higher forces in a asymmetric way, so the are noticeable but less used.

The logfile dialog (output setup)
The log file output dialog is based on a simple setup solution. You have to input a log file name, a log interval and some values you like to log. In the lower placed box you will see the resulting log file structure. There is always date and time stamps added to the log file. After you have finished your layout, you can press the “Start logging” button. The log file will be opened and if the Start button is active the wished log files are written to the log file.
Be carefull: A new “Start logging” will overwrite your last log file if the same name is used. Finish your log file with “Stop logging” and save it or rename it.
After you have done your log file you get a CSV file which is normally simple opened if you have installed a Microsoft office software or “Open office” software. After a double click you will find the data’s in the calculation application of your software.

In “Open office” you will find the import in “insert” menu and “table from file” or anything new spelling.
Accept all the import solutions and you get a table like this:
officescreen1    officescreen2
Select the wished rows which should be in your diagram by clicking on the row top (B C E row markers in this ample) and use the insert -> diagram menu to get guided to a diagram solution.
The result is a diagram like this:
Now you can make some axis descriptions and fit the values to your needs.