

extractorsmall2The X-Sim extractor is the ingame data collector of any game. The extractor will transmit the combination of the different motion drivers to the X-Sim converter application. Additionally the extractor can use seven input-device axis (X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ und Throttle) with 8 input-device button signals. You just have to select your input device in the menu. Unfortunately some of the older joysticks cannot provide the throttle and brake values correctly. In this case "user defined" has to be selected. In the IP window you have to enter the IP of the PC where the X-Sim converter is executed. If you use your gaming PC as well as simulator control PC, you have to enter By pressing "try send data" the application begins data transmission and exchange the plugin information for a testrun. In the best case any opened converter application get detected and you will get asked to use it.

- Read more about the multi joystick mixing mode
- How to increase the sending interval of the X-Sim extractor application
- Use cluster work to increase realtime control
- List all pre given game plugins

A short manual:

- Start extractor application
- Use the game wizard to autodetect all your games or insert them manually with the help of this manual. (left menu: plugins)
- Open the X-Sim converter application, it should be detected automatically. If not insert the IP address of the PC where the converter is running.
- If necessary, insert some game parameter which you can find in the properties of the game shortcut placed in the startmenu.
- If available, choose a game plugin out of the “Official developer physik-plugin” menu. Note: some plugins needs additional actions.
- Choose a joystick out of the list, normally this is not needed and left as is.
- Choose the game on the right combo box and fill out the complete form.

Press the sender2-button2 button if you like to tryout some actions with i.e. the test-plugin or you are a beginner of this software.
If your profile is ready to use then try the sender2-button3 button which will stop the transmition when the game has been left.

After you have pressed that button the X-Sim converter will display you a detected extractor with IP address in the top right banner.
Is there no action check your LAN connection with the command “ping”, insure the firewall is down and no router will block your network path.
You will find a detailed description of the above steps in the Quick Guide for using X-Sim. Have a look on the X-Sim.de homepage.

senderassistant2The Trayicon and the auto game detection feature:

The extractor application has a tray icon with quick action menu commands.
It is possible to start the extractor on windows startup and let it scan for executed games.
The auto scan feature can be enabled and disable with the tray menu (right click).
This feature will look in the plugin assistant table if a game is available with a
specified window name and exact exe file name.

Colors of the Tray Icon:
trayiconred16x16 The auto scan feature is offline
trayicongreen16x16 The auto scan feature is online
trayiconblue16x16 The auto scan feature has detected a game

You are noticed of a detected game with a voice message.
With the combination of a a converter config files in a extractor profile, you
are able to setup your simulator with all needed configurations
in one big step after the game is detected. After you press the button, to create a
profile out of the right setup, you will be asked to combine this configurations or not.
You can insert this profiles in the plugin driver and this profile will be loaded if the game is detected.
This feature is only availble for plugins and cannot work with the other motion drivers.

strengthslider21bild1The strenghtslider can be opened with a right click on the trayicon and will change the extractor value output by moving the strengthslider up or down. This will help you to reduce the simulator movement if you change your car or plane. Every plane has another acceleration maximum. If you drive a normal street car the simulator will move as you told him but if you change to a formula one car it will every time move to its end positions because it can not reflect the high acceleration. So you can move the slider down to a formula one car and the output value will be decreased up to the half. Also you can change in the other direction of your simulator does not move enough.
If you enable the hotkeys you are able to choose the slider out of a game (rFactor block hotkeys) so you do not need to switch to the sender.

Hotkeys are STRG+ALT+number (CTRL+ALT+number)